Sunday School and Bible Study

Children meet during the worship service for a short Sunday school class. They begin worship with their families in church and are dismissed before the sermon, rejoining their families once again after church for a blessing during communion.

Sunday Bible Study - 8:15 a.m.

A new Sunday morning Adult Bible class will start December 8 at 8:15 and will run into the new year. It’s called Feed My Lambs. Written by LCMS president, Dr Matthew Harrison, it focuses on our job of showing mercy.

Weekday Bible Study

  • Bible Study with Vicar Walt Little - Wednesdays @10:00 a.m.

New Bible Study resumes in the spring.

  • Bible Study with Pastor Stolle - Fridays @ 10:00 a.m.

Pastor Stolle's Bible study resumes in January


Lutheran Public Radio

Lutheran Public Radio brings sacred music to the world 24/7. Although there is no local Kansas City radio station broadcasting, listen online at or with the app on your smart phone.

The station offers daily chapel, Christ-centered current events podcast Issues, Etc., and assorted publications.

Click here for the Lutheran Hour Ministries Advent Devotions

Ascension Lutheran Church

The Bible Project, an llustrated Bible Experience with podcasts

For Youth and Children

Higher Things - Dare to Be Lutheran, Resources to assist parents, pastors, and congregations in cultivating a distinctly Lutheran identity among their youth and young adults.