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The Epiphany of Our Lord

January 5, 2025

The Feast of the Epiphany centers in the visit of the Magi from the East. In that respect, it is a “Thirteenth Day” of Christmas; yet, it also marks the beginning of a new liturgical season.

While Christmas has focused on the incarnation of our Lord — that is, on God becoming flesh — the season of Epiphany emphasizes the manifestation or self-revelation of God in that same flesh of Christ. The Lord Himself has entered our darkness and rises upon us with the brightness of His true light (Isaiah 60:1–2).

He does so chiefly by His Word of the Gospel, which He causes to be preached within His Church on earth — not only to the Jews but also to Gentiles (Ephesians 3:8–10).

As the Magi were guided by the promises of Holy Scripture to find and worship the Christ Child with His mother in the house (Matthew 2:5–11), so does He call disciples from all nations by the preaching of His Word to find and worship Him within His Church (Isaiah 60:3–6).

With gold, they confess His royalty; with incense, His deity; and with myrrh, His priestly sacrifice (Matthew 2:11).


From Messiah Lutheran Church. Due to the large amounts of snow still remaining on driveways and sides streets, we have decided to cancel both Bible Class and Messiah Seniors for Thursday, January 9.

The Lord God Is Manifested in the Incarnate Son